How Much Does Tree Clearing Cost Per Acre?

Tree clearing is a necessary process for a variety of reasons, from creating space for new development to improving land use for agriculture or forestry. However, the cost of tree clearing can vary significantly depending on a variety of factors, such as the type and density of trees, the terrain and accessibility of the site, and the methods used for clearing.

One of the most common questions that landowners ask when considering tree clearing is how much it will cost per acre. While the answer to this question is not always straightforward, we will do our best to provide you with an estimate based on our experience in the industry.

Factors that Affect Tree Clearing Costs

Before we dive into the cost per acre of tree clearing, it's important to understand the factors that can affect the overall cost. Here are some of the most significant factors that can impact the final cost of your tree clearing project:

  • Type and Density of Trees: Different types of trees require different techniques and equipment for clearing, and dense forests require more time and resources to clear than sparse woodlands.

  • Terrain and Accessibility: The location of your trees can significantly affect the cost of clearing, as sites that are difficult to access or have steep terrain may require additional equipment and labor.

  • Methods Used for Clearing: The method used for clearing can also impact the cost, as some methods are more time-consuming and labor-intensive than others. For example, manual clearing with hand tools is often less expensive than using heavy machinery, but may take longer to complete.

Costs of Tree Clearing per Acre

Given the range of factors that can affect the cost of tree clearing, it is difficult to give a precise cost per acre. However, based on our experience in the industry, we can provide some general estimates:

  • Manual clearing requiring only hand tools: $500 - $2,000 per acre

  • Clearing requiring small-medium machinery: $1,500 - $6,000 per acre

  • Clearing for large-scale commercial or industrial development: $10,000+ per acre

It's important to note that these estimates are only a rough guide and may vary depending on the specific circumstances of your tree clearing project.

Other Costs to Consider

In addition to the cost of tree clearing, there may be additional costs that you need to consider when planning your project. For example, you may need to obtain permits or pay fees for disposal of the cleared trees. Feel free to reach out if you require help with this.


Tree clearing is an important process that can help to create space for new development or improve land use for agriculture or forestry. However, the cost of tree clearing can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, such as the type and density of trees, the terrain and accessibility of the site, and the methods used for clearing.

If you are considering a tree clearing project, it's important to work with an experienced tree clearing service provider who can provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost and help you navigate the process. With proper planning and execution, tree clearing can be an effective and efficient way to improve your land use. Contact us today about how we can help you with tree clearing and achieve your development goals.